Alongside our more traditional treatments, ASW Pest Control can also carry out the controlled shooting of certain domestic, commercial and agricultural pests.
With technicians equipped with Airguns, Shotguns and Firearms, we can carry out the safe and effective shooting of a number of pest bird and mammal species including rats, rabbits, foxes and pigeons too name a few. Utilising high quality night vision optics, we can continue to provide the discreet service our customers require long into the dark hours of night or during the day! All our technicians are fully licensed for the equipment in their possession and fully insured giving you the satisfaction that you will receive a professional service for any and all treatments you may require. For more information on our controlled shooting, please get in touch today!
Controlled Shooting – Rats
In some circumstances, the best way of reducing a large volume of a rat population quickly is to carry out controlled shooting. Utilising air rifles and in some instance’s shotguns, quick and effective treatment can be carried out with the aid of night vision devices. Shooting also reduces the risks that come with the use of rodenticides to other animals and the environment. Shooting of rats also increases the chances of being able to locate and remove dead rodents which may otherwise be lost or die elsewhere.
Please Note: Shooting of rats can only be carried out under specific circumstances and environments. It is not an advised treatment for the average domestic rodent issue.

Controlled Shooting – Rabbits
Rabbits can very quickly change from a pleasure to see to a large-scale pest. Their digging of holes and burrows can be dangerous for persons and animals alike, especially where horses are concerned as a misplaced step into a rabbit hole can prove a costly experience for the owner treating a broken leg. With a breeding rate of up to 3-4 litters per year, a few can very quickly become many.
In addition to the digging habits, they also pose a severe threat to crops through grazing of young shooting plants. Shooting of rabbits can be done using air guns, shotguns and/or firearms both during the day or at night depending on the behaviours of the rabbits in question and the nature of the location of the problem.
Rabbits controlled in this way can be reduced in population rapidly and discreetly with no traps, snares or carcasses left visible to customers or others present on site. Shooting provides a rapid loss of life reducing any potential suffering to bare minimum with most never even hearing a shot or knowing what has happened.

Controlled Shooting – Foxes
Foxes can be a nuisance to both agricultural and domestic customers. The fox is a keen predator and can cause serious problems for new-born livestock and poultry as well as domestic pets; it is not unheard of for an urban fox to take rabbits, Guinea pigs, chickens or even some cats from a domestic dwelling.
Shooting utilising firearms and, in some cases, shotguns can provide quick and effective removal of nuisance predators in a humane manner. Night vision optics mounted upon licenced firearms can be used discreetly even in a domestic garden for the control of foxes.
Controlling them in this way reduces the chances of the animal experiencing fear or suffering, as can sometimes be the case with trapping and snaring, to zero in most cases.

Controlled Shooting – Avian Pests (Birds)
All bird species are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, however some species of bird can be controlled in specific circumstances under the General Licenses as issued by DEFRA.
These species include, but are not limited to: Rooks, Crows, Jackdaws, Magpies, Jays, Feral Pigeons, Woodpigeons and Canada Geese to name a few. Every situation must be assessed prior to shooting commencing to identify the species of bird involved and the reasons for which control is needed; be it for Public Health & Safety, Conservation Purposes or Prevention of serious damage among others.
The use of air guns, shotguns and firearms to cull the relevant species is strictly controlled. However, by employing ASW Pest Control Specialists Ltd, you can be sure that any action taken on your property and for your benefit will be done so legally, effectively and professionally.